IC Insider
ConnectSign Up For Deals, News & MoreIC Insider makes earning travel rewards easy.
No more waiting for perks or grinding to earn points. Receive rewards instantly when you sign up and every time you book a stay.
Join today to unlock exclusive Insider rates, plus a reward each time you book directly on hotelmadera.com. Log in to your Insider account to view and redeem these special perks, see upcoming reservations, and manage all of your information to make the most of your next hotel stay in D.C.
Become an IC Insider and Enjoy:
Exclusive Insider rates at any participating Independent Collection Hotels & Resorts property
A special reward every time you book
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IC Insider FAQs
IC Insider is a loyalty program that gives guests who book directly with Independent Collection Hotels & Resorts special rewards to enhance their stay. It’s run by a third-party tech company that works with travel partners to offer guests who book directly special rewards and a better overall experience.
After you make a direct booking on the hotel website, you will be prompted to select rewards. Please note all rewards are released the day before check-in, so you should make any changes to your selections before that time.
Instructions on how to redeem rewards will be emailed to you before your check-in date.
IC Insider offers a wide variety of rewards that can be redeemed within the U.S. or internationally.
Yes, you can change your rewards up to 2 days before checking in by clicking the “Select New Rewards” button in the confirmation email from [email protected].
Each reward has its own timeline. The confirmation email will include instructions that explain how soon the reward will need to be redeemed.
Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions. Someone from the team will get back to you within 1 business day.
You must book directly on the hotel website to be eligible for rewards.
Description: Welcome to Hotel Madera
Description: Day or night, Hotel Madera is a gathering spot, an anchor in the neighborhood.
Description: Relax in our lobby.
Description: As a guest of Hotel Madera, you'll have access to our powered Fitness Center featuring equipment from Matrix and Peloton
Let's Stay Connected
Contact Us
- Reservations: T: (844) 781-1152|E: [email protected]
- Meetings or Event Bookings: T: (202) 296-7600|E: [email protected]|RFP
- Media Inquiries: E: [email protected]
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